Tierra Sevilen is a transparent company that is open to be audited by customers in every step of production.
Tierra Sevilen carries out all processes from weaving to printing, cutting, ready-made garments, embroidery, labelling, packaging and shipping, within the internal organization.
To manufacture each product in our broad range of fabrics, we stick to the styles and sizes or the patterns of the customer’s choice.
After determining the pattern and the suitable fabric, we make sure to give a sample to the customer.
The approved sample and the customer’s revisions, as well as the size and patterns determined are scaled and then the product is manufactured.
Our customized models service is in high demand. We include ourselves in the branding process, including the labelling of our customers’ brands.
TIERRA SEVILEN SL - Carrer de La Pau 12 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat
Barcelona - España

TEL: +34 601 287 930
OZANTEKS, Bozburun Mah. 7042 Sokak No:6 20085
Denizli - Turkey

TEL: +90 536 308 5533
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